Inflammation, fever and pain can delay healing, decrease feed and water intake and impair immune response. This can interfere with normal function and dramatically reduce productivity. When this occurs, it makes sense to get livestock back on track quickly

This can be achieved by using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs -NSAIDs for short - which work in three ways:
- Analgesic; meaning they reduce or alleviate pain
- Anti- inflammatory; meaning they reduce inflammation
- Anti- pyretic; meaning they reduce temperature to a normal level
Using NSAIDs before inflammation builds up can minimise the development of symptoms and therefore reduce the amount of production lost. Spring is a busy time for us all, so using a long-acting product means that with just one injection, the cow will get maximum benefit from the long treatment effect.
Rimadyl LA is a fast and effective nil milk withhold product, meaning the cost of treatment is at least partially covered by the extra milk in the vat, and there is no chance of a withhold mistake.
Reliven is a single shot, multi-species meloxicam pain relief, which can also be used in sheep, pigs, and horses.